Friday, July 8, 2011

New Blog ... New City

Hmm yeah, I've had this blog for like 3 years and haven't wrote anything. I guess its time to change that. We'll see, I might get lazy again haha. Anywho, I was inspired to start this again because my friend Brittany has one and its pretty sweet. I think it will be a good way to tell people (mostly the rents) how I'm doing.

I moved to Munich, Germany this week. July 4th in an airport woo! I moved for work and I'll be here for 18 months. That's kinda a long time, but I think I'lll be okay. Plus, I'll be back in the states every few months so that should help. But omg, I already miss PB. Someone please send me JIF creamy. I saw some in the supermarket yesterday but it was like a cup! Thats all! I need like a gallon. Plus, I don't trust german PB. Do they even know what peanut butter is? I don't think sooo....

- New iphone!! I'm obsessed! Suck it verizon, I'm only paying like 25 euros a month.
- It's only like 70-80 degrees here- soooooooooo nice! I don't feel like I'm going to have a heat stroke like I did in South Cakalaki.
- Furnised apartment, I moved in like 2 hours after I got here.
- Kitties are liking it. Its all wood floors and Charlie was sliding around yesterday. I was dying, he needs kitten mittens (sunny reference that I hope someone got haha).

- Wtf germany?! Its called air conditioning and deodorant. They've been around for a while.
- The German Language, nothing puts me to sleep faster.
- Jetlag, maybe I'll get a good night sleep eventually.
- Bubbly water is gross man. Where are the water fountains?
- Do I even need to mention the PB again?

Alright, later gators. I'll try to put some pictures of my apartment up soon. Happy Friday!

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